Had an issue with your Thai Smile flight? We can help you get compensated!
Up to 1,600 € per passenger.
All airlines
We work to success
A delayed flight can cause significant disruptions to your travel plans. According to European Regulation EC 261/2004, if your Thai Smile flight was delayed by three hours or more, you might be entitled to compensation of up to €600. Our specialized team is here to help you claim what is rightfully yours.
Flight cancellations can be extremely inconvenient. If Thai Smile canceled your flight without prior notice, you could be eligible for compensation. We understand the frustration and work diligently to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
If Thai Smile denied you boarding due to overbooking, you have the right to claim compensation. Overbooking is a common issue, but that doesn't mean you should suffer for it. Let us handle the paperwork and fight for your rights.
Lost, delayed, or damaged baggage can ruin your trip. Under the Montreal Convention, you have the right to claim compensation for baggage issues. Our experts will guide you through the process and help you get reimbursed for your losses.
If your flight was disrupted due to a strike by Thai Smile staff, you might be entitled to compensation. Strikes can lead to chaos, but we can help you get compensated for the inconvenience caused.
At Reclamio, we offer a no win, no fee service, ensuring you take no financial risk. Our online form is quick and easy to fill out, making the claim process as simple as possible for you. Trust our experts, who boast a 99% success rate in handling passenger rights claims.
Don't let flight issues with Thai Smile go unresolved. Fill out our online form now and let us help you get the compensation you deserve!